I know it's been a while, but I've been extremely busy with raising puppies, keeping up with school work, keeping up with holiday soaps and orders and inventory, as well as trying to raise my daughter and look after the house. It's alot!
Anyway, enough about that.
I've got a ton of new soaps that are getting ready to come off of the curing rack shortly. A few have already made their way into the Etsy store and craft shows.
First, I reformulated my Patchouli soap bars. The last batch from last year was okay, but it wasn't
We've also got our Black Velvet soap coming off the curing rack soon. Scented with a perfumy, fruity and floral scent. I actually made my own fragrance combination. These are HUGE bars. They are at least 6 or 7 ounces each. You won't need soap for a while with these!
The Vintage soap is coming off of the curing
I'll be working on some holiday soaps to get out before Thanksgiving. I'll have some bath bombs, maybe some bubble bars (not sure about that yet), some more solid soaps, lotions, and maybe even some body oils (not sure yet). I've just got a lot of ideas and need to figure out what to go with. I've been looking at sales lately and what sells and what doesn't. So, I want to get rid of what doesn't sell and introduce a couple of new products to see how they'll do.
So, be on the lookout for updates on Facebook, new items in the Etsy store, and other information.
Oh! I know Thanksgiving is usually the start of everyone's holiday shopping season. I know I said I wasn't going to have any more sales, but I'll be doing a flash sale for Black Friday. I'll keep you updated on that too so you can save on your favorite Earth N Moon skincare and soaps.