
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

New Arrivals from Earth N Moon

Hello lovies! Looking forward to a great summer? With all of the fun and sun of family vacations, hiking through the various nature trails, camping, swimming, fishing, and outdoorsy things that everyone is looking forward to in summer, I must be a raincloud on the parade! I know I sound nagging, but let's think about our skin here! Being outside in the heat will dry your poor little lippies out quick not to mention the rest of your skin! Plus, there are all sorts of creepy, crawly, blood thirsty ticks and mosquitoes that live outdoors that would love to feast on you! Plus, when you come back all hot, sweaty, and stinky, you'll need to clean up and take a bath.

With all of this sounding like I'm being more negative than positive about summer, there is a good side to all of this. Trust me, I love being outside in the dirt and doing all of that stuff. However, I also like to keep my skin hydrated, my lips protected from the elements, and I love to take a nice long bath after being outside all day.

What is the point of all of this I'm rambling about? Well, Earth N Moon has just put out some great new products and all of them are must-haves for making sure you and your family have the best summer in terms of safe and effective skincare.

No More Bites Bug Spray
Photo by:Kristine with Earth N Moon
Who likes to go 4 wheeling? If you're like me, it is a fun time in the woods away from technology and cell phones. However, being in the woods without proper repellent is a not a good idea, at least where I'm from which is North Carolina. Here, we have all sorts of little bugs and huge bugs that are waiting to turn you into a snack the moment you walk out of your house! Scary, right?! If that doesn't scare you enough, wooded areas are a great home for ticks which carry Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. I won't get into the details of these nasty illnesses for the sake of staying on topic, but they are very serious illnesses in which can land you in the hospital.

So, with the mosquitoes and ticks everywhere, Earth N Moon's all natural bug spray is a good way to
keep those little biters off of you this summer and keep you out of harm's way! It is made with natural oils and essentials oils to naturally repel mosquitoes and ticks. It is deet-free, alcohol-free, preservative-free, and quick-drying. I use it every time I go outside since the mosquitoes and ticks love me! My husband uses it all the time as well since he works outside every day. He has had no issues with bites this season. It also lasts longer too! I've noticed that many name brand repellents last less than an hour. This natural formula I concocted lasts at minimum 2 hours. It was funny (not really, but still) because when I first tested it out, I forgot to spray the tops of my exposed feet in my flip flops before going outside and I got bites on my feet but no where else. So, give this a try. It can be found in the Etsy store.

All Purpose Healing Salve
Photo by:Kristine with Earth N Moon
For those of you who are allergic to poison ivy and poison oak, being outside in summer means double-checking to make sure you are not brushing up against one of these plants. I had a run in with some Cow Itch when I was younger and it was absolutely the worst experience. I had a rash everywhere! When I say everywhere, I mean it was around my eyes, in my nose, my ears, all over! I was miserable. So, the best way to prevent a catastrophic break out is by avoiding contact with poisonous plants and making sure you wear appropriate shoes and clothes when hiking on nature trails and in the woods. However, if you do happen to brush against a poison ivy plant unknowingly and develop a little rash, my new All Purpose Healing Salve is what you need! It works wonders on bug bits, bee stings, rashes, patches of break out due to poison ivy and poison oak, as well as healing minor cuts, abrasions, and burns. It is made with wild-crafted dog fennel, white clover flower, and plantain to help relieve pain, inflammation, and relieve itching and burning of skin irritations. It is also made with Salvia May Night that I personally grow in my garden as well as Lavender, White Willow Bark, and essential oils which are used as natural antiseptics and disinfectants. I've been wild-crafting and making my own salves for personal use for the past 6 years. However, I am just now starting to feel comfortable selling them. I started out making salves to use on cuts and scrapes. Then I found other purposes for salves such as skin irritations from bug bits and poisonous plants that I just had to put myself out there with everyone else. It does this trick and stays put once you put it on and lasts longer than most ointments.

Watermelon Lip Balm
Photo by:Kristine with Earth N Moon

Cool Peppermint Lip Balm
Photo by:Kristine with Earth N Moon
2-Pack Summertime Duo Lip Balm
Photo by:Kristine with Earth N Moon
Now on to those sensitive lips! Yes, they need love and attention too especially in heat and sun. My new lip balms make fun in the sun fun again with new Watermelon, Strawberry Sorbet, and Cool Peppermint flavors. I even offer a 2-pack which includes 1 Watermelon lip balm and 1 Strawberry Sorbet lip balm. The Cool Peppermint lip balm is tingly and cooling on the lips. So, if you decide to go out in the sun or just outside in general, make sure you are protecting your lips with a lip balm! I have also made a batch of all-natural beeswax and honey called Naturally, Honey. It is made with unbleached beeswax (yellow beeswax) and local natural honey. I LOVE this lip balm. So, I'll make sure to update this post as soon as they are labeled and put on the store site. Ya'll will fall in love with them too, I'm positive!
Strawberry Sorbet Lip Balm
Photo by:Kristine with Earth N Moon

Now that you've seen our new items up for grabs in the Etsy store, have fun this summer without being ate up by bugs or having burned and chapped lips. Heal those wounds naturally and get back out there having fun before fall gets here!

Come back to my next post about thirsty skin during the summer months. I'll be talking about my lotions, foot creams, foot soaks, and antibacterial sprays in the next post. See you soon and stay safe!
