So, I have something on my mind that has been sort of frustrating for me as someone who is just starting out in their business endeavors, and that is the growing lack of professionalism in the workforce. It appears that everywhere I turn, businesses are allowing their employees to talk to customers and potential customers in rude tones, throw their haughty attitudes in customers' faces, and use fowl language in the presence of customers. While all of these are equally unacceptable behavior in my book, fowl language is the most unacceptable display of unprofessional behavior in the business world.
When I refer to 'fowl language', I'm referring to cuss words, swear words, or whatever else you want to call them. Now, if your business is in the industry where that sort of thing is acceptable (I really can't think of any industries off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are some), then this doesn't pertain to you. However, most businesses are in industries where customer service and appearance are supposed to be considered top priority.
Maybe it's just me, but using inappropriate language in front of customers isn't the best way to build your business reputation. Now, before I get defensive comments on this, no, I am not perfect and I do make mistakes just like everyone else. However, I'm not referring to your personal life, I am referring to the business aspect and presenting yourself in a professional manner. Really? If you walked into a nice restaurant or department store would you want to hear that kind of language coming from the mouth of someone who is trying to sell you something? NO or at least I hope you wouldn't. If that sort of thing doesn't really bother you, then okay but it would bother most people.
If it's one thing I've learned from working with the public, it's to try to think of customers in general terms and to try to put yourself in their shoes. Poor employee and owner attitudes and the use of inappropriate language and behavior can ultimately cost a business sales, customers, and potential customers.
I will be composing three sections on my experiences with professionalism in the business world along with tips and advice because let's face it, it's not always easy to deal with the public especially if you're an introvert like me. Sometimes you have difficult situations that arise and you need help to diffuse them, or other times you can't diffuse a situation and you are left with no other options. So, I will be sharing my experiences and advice on maintaining professionalism in the workplace.
My upcoming professionalism blogs will include:
Professionalism: Language!
Professionalism: Mind Your Manners
Professionalism: When it All Hits the Fan
As always, thank you for reading and I hope to see you around my blog. Oh, and don't be shy, post your comments, like, or share! You can also find me on different social medias listed on the left-hand side of the page.